Okay. . . you'll never believe this one. I had one of those, "I've never experienced this before," moments the other day. For those of you who have nursed your children, you know that sometimes you have to feed them in some pretty unique places. I've fed my son in numerous bathroom stalls, in empty sky boxes at ballgames and workshops, in parked cars in countless parking lots, and the list goes on. But, until the other day, I had never fed Oliver in a room full of caskets. Oh, yeah, you read it right. . . caskets! You see, our church is meeting in a funeral home right now. (Long story. I'll have to blog about that another time.) So, when he needed to be fed the other day, I had to look for a room that was private, and the only space available was the coffin room. It was just me, Oliver, and 14 caskets! Sounds creepy, I know. Oddly, it wasn't. It was peaceful. It was quiet. It was humorous. I am always looking for what to blog about next. I am never quite prepared, however, for the situations that come my way!! I told everyone after church that it wasn't bad, in fact, I'd had fun picking out the caskets I liked best and thought were the prettiest! What a wild experience!
Of course, the crazy-coffin-room-feeding-place made me do a little thinking. Sometimes, we judge people or situations by how they look or how we "think" they are rather than reality. We tend to get "creeped" out when something is out of our comfort zone, and we miss amazing opportunities. Opportunities to share Jesus with someone who desperately wants to know Him. Opportunities to shine in a dark workplace or school or neighborhood. Opportunities during the storms to find peace in the One who is in control. The opportunities are limitless. And, my experience the other day taught me that I don't want to miss any of them!
10 years ago
What a cool way to look at things! We never know what opportunity is just around the corner that may appear as "creepy" but is just where God wants us to be effective!
Beautiful and insightful...what a wife! I am so lucky!!!
Alright . . . a little creepy and wierd . . . but I guess if it inspires you . . . God does work in mysterious ways. Love ya and miss you!
Um...not sure what to say about that. Great spin on a totally weird place to be feeding my sweet nephew! At least he's too young to remember. He shouldn't need therapy for this one;)
I'm glad you thought it was quiet in there. I would have been REALLY scared if I were hearing sounds!!!
Still not doing it!
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