No more Aloha! My parents are on their way back home today from their dream vacation in Hawaii. From the sounds of it, they had an unbelievable trip. I am so eager to see their pictures and hear their stories (I plan to live vicariously through them!). You see, it would be exciting enough if they had just planned this dream vacation themselves, saved up, and went for a week to the beautiful Aloha state. But, their story is more amazing than that . . . this trip was given to them as a gift of appreciation from their church family! What a family, huh?! My dad has served as the preacher in Garden City, KS for 20 years now. And, as a way to show their love and appreciation for him and my mom, they planned this once-in-a-lifetime vacation for them. They started a year ago, planning and raising money. They had secret meetings so my parents would have no clue what was going on. They asked my sister and me to help find out where they'd love to vacation. They planned a huge party, complete with an appropriate "luau theme." One of the reasons we went to Kansas for vacation this year was to attend the party for my parents. I am so thankful we were able to see them honored and to watch them cry with joy as they received such a generous, jaw-dropping, amazing, loving gift. It was touching. The church in Garden City is a rare church. I am thankful for them and to them for loving my parents so deeply. What a beautiful partnership. What a beautiful expression of appreciation. Thank you, Garden City Church! Welcome home, Dad and Mom!
10 years ago
Wow, that is an incredible church. And after what ya'll have been going through, it must seem even more amazing. I can't help with a trip like that, but I can promise an amazing pineapple upside down cake!! Let me know if that sounds good, and I'll bring it on Sunday :)
Garden City showed a whole new side to loving one another. It was a great party and a great gift. They do have such a strong partnership there. Can't wait to hear their stories. Can anyone get some of that pineapple upside down cake? YUM~O!
HOW AWESOME! That goes to show that staying at one job pays off. Maybe I should quite "school-hopping!" How neat to be so loved and appreciated. Hawaii is wonderful!
You are sooo sweet!! Your pineapple uside down cake sounds delicious, but you don't have to bring one on Sunday. The offer alone was "yummy" enough!!! Thanks, Friend!
OK- I am going to let all our elders here read this blog... think they'll get the picture? We have been here like 2 weeks- that's long enough don't you think? :) Congrats to them- they deserve it!!! Love ya-
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